Judaism Unbound Episode 46: How Hanukkah Explains Everything - Jay Eidelman

The historian Jay Eidelman joins Dan and Lex to explain his theory of "How Hanukkah Explains Everything." [1] Through a comprehensive encapsulation of the historical events of Hanukkah and analysis of them, Eidelman shines many new lights on what Hanukkah has meant and could mean.

(0:01 - 15:25): To begin the episode, Eidelman gives some background about how he came to his "theory of everything" for the holiday of Hanukkah. He also provides a detailed look at the events of Hanukkah from a historical perspective. [2]

(15:26 - 30:34): Eidelman explores elements of the Hanukkah experience that appeared later in history. He, along with Dan and Lex, also looks at ways in which Hanukkah resemble other non-Jewish holidays -- both those that were observed in ancient times and some that are observed today. Eidelman also takes on the role of interviewer himself, asking Dan and Lex what they think the most important transitional moments in the history of Judaism were and contributing his thoughts as well. [3]

(30:35 - 47:04): Eidelman and both co-hosts explore possibilities for new meanings that Hanukkah could take on today. One that they discuss prominently is the potential of the Hanukkah story to shed light on the Trump presidency. 

[1] If you would like to read Eidelman's bio, you can do so by clicking here.

[2] For another look at the historical events of Hanukkah, check out this article on MyJewishLearning.

[3] Eidelman mentions the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. To order it, click here. It is also available as an audiobook, which you can purchase on Audible.com by clicking here.



Judaism Unbound Episode 47: The Jewish Funders Network - Andres Spokoiny


Judaism Unbound Episode 45: Hanukkah Unbound - Ruth Abusch-Magder