Judaism Unbound Bonus Episode: Shavuot Part I - What The Heck is Shavuot?

So you might have heard the name -- "Shavuot" -- but what exactly does this holiday commemorate? How is it celebrated? In this first mini-episode in a series of four on Shavuot, Dan and Lex provide a basic overview of the history of Shavuot. They look at early iterations of it described in the Torah, shifts in its observance that came in the early rabbinic period, and further updates that occurred leading up to the present day.

Explore Shavuot's ritual of all-night study in a contemporary and entirely digital way with Shavuot Unbound!


Judaism Unbound Bonus Episode: Shavuot Part II - The Future of Shavuot


Judaism Unbound Episode 67: Seven Weeks in Silicon Valley