Click any of the hyperlinks below to access the corresponding episode of Judaism Unbound, along with its shownotes (articles, videos, books, and more, related to each episode).
Ep1: Genesis (Dan and Lex)
Ep2: Genesis II (Dan and Lex)
Ep3: Exodus (Benay Lappe)
Ep4: Exodus II (Dan and Lex)
Ep5: Leviticus (Vanessa Ochs)
Ep6: Leviticus II (Dan and Lex)
Ep7: Numbers (Barak Richman)
Ep8: Numbers II (Dan and Lex)
Ep9: Deuteronomy (Dan Mendelsohn-Aviv)
Ep10: Deuteronomy II (Dan and Lex)
Ep11: American Judaism (Jonathan Sarna)
Ep12: Minhag America (Anita Diamant)
Ep13: American Post-Judaism (Shaul Magid)
Ep14: Putting the "American" in American Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep15: Men, Women, and Intermarriage (Keren McGinity)
Ep16: Intermarriage and the Future (Paul Golin)
Ep17: Intermarriage - A Fact of 21st Century Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep18: How We Gather (Angie Thurston, Casper ter Kuile)
Ep19: Moishe House (David Cygielman)
Ep20: Jewish Without Walls (Beth Finger)
Ep21: jOS 4.0 - A New Jewish Operating System? (Dan and Lex)
Ep22: Jewish Renewal (Rachel Barenblat, David Markus)
Ep23: Hello Mazel (Noa Kushner, Yoav Schlesinger)
Ep24: BimBam (Sarah Lefton)
Ep25: Unbundling Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep26: Six Months In (Dan and Lex)
Ep27: Who Wrote the Bible? (Richard Elliott Friedman)
Ep28: The Secret Book of Kings (Dan Libenson as "Guest")
Ep29: Lab/Shul (Amichai Lau-Lavie)
Ep30: Seder Masochism (Nina Paley)
Ep31: Designing OneTable (Aliza Kline)
Ep32: The Art of Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep33: JewAsian (Helen Kim, Noah Leavitt)
Ep34: The SnapChat Rabbi (Sandra Lawson)
Ep35: Twice Blessed (Joshua Lesser)
Ep36: What Jewish Looks Like Today (Benay Lappe)
Ep37: Jewish Sensibilities (Jonathan Woocher, Lee Moore)
Ep38: Judaism and Evolving Dharma (Jay Michaelson)
Ep39: Pico Union Project (Craig Taubman, Zach Lasker, Jason Chu)
Ep40: What Should Stay and What Should Go? (Dan and Lex)
Ep41: History and Memory (Yehuda Kurtzer)
Ep42: Aphrodite and the Rabbis (Burton Visotzky)
Ep43: Hanukkah in America (Dianne Ashton)
Ep44: A Secular Humanistic Hanukkah (Adam Chalom)
Ep45: Hanukkah Unbound (Ruth Abusch-Magder)
Ep46: How Hanukkah Explains Everything (Jay Eidelman)
Ep47: The Jewish Funders Network (Andres Spokoiny)
Ep48: Jewish Funding - Bound and Unbound (Dan and Lex)
Ep49: The Prophetic Voice (Shai Held)
Ep50: Bending the Arc (Jason Kimelman-Block)
Ep51: Being Jewish in the Era of Trump (Dan and Lex)
Ep52: Nothing Sacred (Douglas Rushkoff)
Ep53: Death and Rebirth (Irwin Kula Part I)
Ep54: Judaism's Job (Irwin Kula Part II)
Ep55: The 365th Day (Dan and Lex)
Ep56: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva (Benay Lappe)
Ep57: Becoming Jewish on the Web (Juan Mejia)
Ep58: Jewish Economics (Carmel Chiswick)
Ep59: Jewish Futurology (Hayim Herring)
Ep60: The Future is Already Here (Dan and Lex)
Ep61: Wandering in the Wilderness (Zack Bodner, Tova Birnbaum)
Ep62: The Geography of Jewish Genius (Eric Weiner)
Ep63: JewTube (Oona King)
Ep64: Judaism by Design (Jesse Dorogusker)
Ep65: Investing in the Future (Oren Zeev)
Ep66: Jewish? Community? Center? (Zack Bodner)
Ep67: Seven Weeks in Silicon Valley (Dan and Lex)
Ep68: Rabbis Without Borders (Rebecca Sirbu)
Ep69: Holy Rascals (Rami Shapiro)
Ep70: After Ultra-Orthodoxy (Shulem Deen)
Ep71: What's Judaism For? (Dan and Lex)
Ep72: The Power of Popular Culture (Randi Zuckerberg)
Ep73: Being Both (Susan Katz Miller)
Ep74: Beyond Jewish Identity (Ari Y. Kelman)
Ep75: The Myth of Apolitical Judaism (Lila Corwin Berman)
Ep76: The Project of Jewish Education (David Bryfman)
Ep77: Folk Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep78: Burning Man (Allie Wollner, Jon Mitchell)
Ep79: Burning Mensch (Joel Stanley)
Ep80: Feeling the Burn (Dan and Lex)
Ep81: Diaspora Boy (Eli Valley)
Ep82: The Happiness Prayer (Evan Moffic)
Ep83: The Exodus (Richard Elliott Friedman)
Ep84: The Jewish Catalog, Then and Now (Riv-Ellen Prell)
Ep85: B-Mitzvah Revolutions (Isa Aron)
Ep86: We're the Jews We've Been Waiting For (Dan and Lex)
Ep87: Reforming Judaism (Daniel Freelander Part I)
Ep88: Reform or Revolution? (Daniel Freelander Part II)
Ep89: Reform Judaism Today and Tomorrow (Rick Jacobs)
Ep90: Audacious Hospitality (April Baskin)
Ep91: Is This The Fast That I Have Chosen? (Jonah Pesner)
Ep92: Reinventing Synagogue (Matt Gewirtz, Ben Spratt, Blair Albom)
Ep93: Community of Communities (Rachel Timoner)
Ep94: Reform Reflections (Dan and Lex)
Ep95: Doing Jewish for Yourself (Fredric Price)
Ep96: Modern Tribe (Amy Kritzer, Jennie Rivlin Roberts)
Ep97: "Bad Jews" (Jenna Reback)
Ep98: The Future of Torah (Brett Lockspeiser)
Ep99: Regular Jews (Dan and Lex)
Ep100: The Third Era (Yitz Greenberg
Ep101: Not Your Rabbis' Judaism (Barbara Thiede)
Ep102: Studying Happiness (Tal Ben-Shahar)
Ep103: The People's Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep104: The Open Dor Project (George Wielechowski)
Ep105: The Well (Dan Horwitz)
Ep106: Cohere (Ari Moffic)
Ep107: Because Jewish (Dan Ain)
Ep108: The Jewish Studio Project (Adina Allen, Jeff Kasowitz)
Ep109: Open Doors (Dan and Lex)
Ep110: Glean (Elan Babchuck)
Ep111: Unaffiliated Affiliation (Debbie Bravo)
Ep112: The Flourishing Synagogue (Aaron Bisno, Harlan Stone)
Ep113: Embrace the Weird (Miriam Terlinchamp)
Ep114: Sinai & Synapses (Geoffrey Mitelman)
Ep115: Beloved (Sara Luria, Isaac Luria)
Ep116: Passion (Dan and Lex)
Ep117: Israel and American Jews Today (Peter Beinart)
Ep118: Trouble in the Tribe (Dov Waxman)
Ep119: The Histories of Zionisms (Noam Pianko)
Ep120: A Less Toxic Conversation (Melissa Weintraub)
Ep121: Homecoming and Arrival (Yehuda Kurtzer)
Ep122: Let's Talk About Israel (Sharon Kleinbaum)
Ep123: The Religion of Israel (Dan and Lex)
Ep124: IfNotNow (Ilana Levinson, Jill Raney)
Ep125: Complementary Zions (Zachary Schaffer)
Ep126: Open Hillel (Rachel Sandalow-Ash, Eva Ackerman)
Ep127: A Synagogue Without Flags (Brant Rosen)
Ep128: Zionism 3.0 (Zack Bodner)
Ep129: Women of the Wall (Lesley Sachs, Susan Silverman)
Ep130: Israel-Optional Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep131: Protesting God (Dov Weiss)
Ep132: The God Gap (Eliana Light)
Ep133: God is One (Art Green)
Ep134: God on a Desert Island (Andrew Hahn)
Ep135: Putting God Second (Donniel Hartman)
Ep136: God? Optional (Judith Seid)
Ep137: God of Love (Shai Held)
Ep138: God and Gender (Rachel Adler)
Ep139: The Future of God (Dan and Lex)
Ep140: The Pew Study, Five Years Later (Leonard Saxe)
Ep141: Federations Facing the Future (Danny Grossman)
Ep142: After Pittsburgh (Dan and Lex)
Ep143: Milk and Honeymoons (Avi Rubel, Mike Wise)
Ep144: Beyond Chrismukkah (Samira Mehta)
Ep145: Studying Jews Differently (Tobin Belzer)
Ep146: The Jewish American Paradox (Robert Mnookin)
Ep147: From Selling Pews to Temple Dues (Dan Judson Part I)
Ep148: Pennies for Heaven…and Building Upkeep (Dan Judson Part II)
Ep149: Judaism? (Daniel Boyarin)
Ep150: “Jews” of “No” “Religion” (Dan and Lex)
Ep151: Judaism from a Transgender Perspective (Joy Ladin)
Ep152: Elie Wiesel’s Classroom (Ariel Burger)
Ep153: Fiction Between Worlds (Ruby Namdar)
Ep154: Ten New Commandments (Dan and Lex)
Ep155: The Women’s March (April Baskin, Yavilah McCoy, Abby Stein)
Ep156: Creating Jewish Theatre (Aaron Henne)
Ep157: Painting the Unpaintable (Yishai Jusidman)
Ep158: Curating the Jewish Story (Ivy Barsky)
Ep159: Judaism Illuminated (Jonathan Safran Foer)
Ep160: Open Temple (Lori Schneide Shapiro)
Ep161: The Zohar (Daniel Matt)
Ep162: 100% Black, 100% Jewish (MaNishtana)
Ep163: Collective Effervescence (Lizzi Heydemann)
Ep164: Going, Jewishly (Leon Wiener Dow)
Ep165: (Denise Handlarski)
Ep166: The Freedom Seder (Arthur Waskow)
Ep167: The Meaning of Mussar (David Jaffe)
Ep168: American Mussar (Greg Marcus)
Ep169: Jewish Language (Sarah Bunin Benor)
Ep170: Queering the Jewish Bookshelf (Noam Sienna)
Ep171: Digesting Judaism (Rachel Gross)
Ep172: Judaism with Purpose(s) (Ayalon Eliach)
Ep173: Fragments of The Brooklyn Talmud (Andrew Ramer)
Ep174: Tidying Up Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep175: Becoming a Rabbi, on the Web (Sandy Zisser, Patrick Beaulier)
Ep176: Wilderness Torah (Zelig Golden)
Ep177: Spreading the Good (Jewish) News (Shira Stutman Part I)
Ep178: I-Wish-I-Had-This-Itis (Shira Stutman Part II)
Ep179: The Jewish Polymath (David Zvi Kalman)
Ep180: The Ritual Design Lab (Margaret Hagan, Kursat Ozenc)
Ep181: The New Synagogue Project (Joseph Berman, Lauren Spokane)
Ep182: Judaism On Our Own Terms (Tal Frieden, August Kahn)
Ep183: Intentional Community (Sara Levy Linden, Shira Rutman)
Ep184: Disorganized Religion (Dan and Lex)
Ep185: An Army of Translators (Sarah Hurwitz)
Ep186: Re-Imagining Jewish Education (Miriam Heller Stern)
Ep187: Child-Centered Jewish Education (Rebecca Milder)
Ep188: The Art of Jewish Education (Alicia Jo Rabins)
Ep189: Six Days a Week (Tiffany Shlain)
Ep190: Jewish Camps, Jewish Utopias (Avi Orlow)
Ep191: Jewish Kids Groups (Ana Robbins, Neshama Littman)
Ep192: Online Jewish Learning (Danielle Eskow)
Ep193: Overhauling Jewish Education (Dan Mendelsohn Aviv)
Ep194: Funding the Future (Barry Finestone, Josh Miller)
Ep195: Judaisms? (Aaron Hahn Tapper)
Ep196: Becoming Eve (Abby Stein)
Ep197: Religious Heresy (Jay Michaelson)
Ep198: Jews are People (Darren Kleinberg)
Ep199: Learning Judaism (Abby Eisenberg)
Ep200: Educating Ourselves (Benay Lappe)
Ep201: Marathons and Sprints (Aaron Katler)
Ep202: The Texts are Dancing (Ruth Calderon)
Ep203: Yiddish in America (Aaron Lansky)
Ep204: Confronting Yiddish Shame (Naomi Seidman)
Ep205: A Yiddish Family (Asya Vaisman Schulman, Sebastian Schulman)
Ep206: “Practical” Isn’t the Point (Sandy Fox)
Ep207: American History of Yiddish (Tony Michels)
Ep208: Yiddish…Nu? (Dan and Lex)
Ep209: Wait…Soft Matzah? (Barry Dolinger, Naomi Baine)
Ep210: Escape from Egypt (Dan Horwitz)
Ep211: The Passover Haggadah, a Biography (Vanessa Ochs)
Ep212: (Eileen Levinson)
Ep213: Passover Your Way (Brian Field, Caryn Aviv)
Ep214: Finding a Jewish Voice (Kristin Eriko Posner)
Ep215: Passover Re-Imagined (Dan and Lex)
Ep216: Pandemic Passover (Benay Lappe, Dan Libenson)
Ep217: jewishLIVE (Dan and Lex)
Ep218: A Book That Didn’t Make It (Barbara Thiede)
Ep219: Tools for the Journey (Amichai Lau-Lavie)
Ep220: Viral Philanthropy (Lila Corwin Berman)
Ep221: Zooming Out (Steven Windmueller)
Ep222: Emerging (Joshua Lesser)
Ep223: Our Common Destiny (Sandy Cardin, Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi)
Ep224: A New Sinai (Dan and Lex)
Ep225: Jewish Psychedelics (Zac Kamenetz)
Ep226: Resting the Land (Nati Passow)
Ep227: The Power of Ritual (Casper ter Kuile)
Ep228: The Cannabis Rabbi (James Kahn)
Ep229: Primary Experience (Dan and Lex)
Ep230: Never Again Action (Tal Frieden, Becca Lubow)
Ep231: A JCC for JOCs (Yitz Jordan)
Ep232: Why the Uncounted Count (Ilana Kaufman)
Ep233: The Torah of Jews of Color (Arielle Korman, Mira Rivera)
Ep234: Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (Audrey Sasson)
Ep235: Jews and Whiteness (Eric Goldstein)
Ep236: A Coat of Many Colors (Dan and Lex)
Ep237: America’s Jewish Women (Pamela Nadell)
Ep238: Jewish Women’s Archive (Judith Rosenbaum)
Ep239: Isaac Unbound (Aaron Koller)
Ep240: Hebrew Priestesses (Jill Hammer, Taya Shere)
Ep241: At The Well (Sarah Waxman)
Ep242: The New Jewish Canon (Yehuda Kurtzer, Claire Sufrin)
Ep243: Organizing The Grassroots (Sheila Katz, Danya Ruttenberg)
Ep244: The American Jewish Philanthropic Complex (Lila Corwin Berman)
Ep245: Her Torah (Yael Kanarek)
Ep246: Priestessing Priestesses (Keshira HaLev Fife)
Ep247: Painting with Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep248: Post-Election Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep249: Dangerous Religious Ideas (Rachel Mikva)
Ep250: Cosmic Diaspora (Jake Marmer)
Ep251: Judaism…Just How Unbound (Mara Benjamin)
Ep252: Foundations of Jewish Life (Aaron Dorfman)
Ep253: Philanthropic Inclusion (Jay Ruderman, Shira Ruderman)
Ep254: The Jewish 1% (Danielle Durchslag)
Ep255: Amplification (Liz Fisher)
Ep256: A Righteous Crowd (Amy Schilit Benarroch)
Ep257: Jewish Liberation Fund (Joanna Ware, Nadav David)
Ep258: Jewish Giving…Or Not (Dan and Lex)
Ep259: Bernie Memes are Torah (Dan and Lex)
Ep260: The Bible…It’s ALIVE!! (Ron Hendel)
Ep261: Canaan Unconquered (Rachel Havrelock)
Ep262: Marvel’s Torah (Abraham Riesman)
Ep263: Purim Torah (Anna Solomon)
Ep264: Karaites: Bible Only, Please (Shawn Lichaa)
Ep265: High-Voltage Judaism (Dan and Lex)
Ep266: Digging Up Biblical History (Baruch Halpern)
Ep267: The Torah Studio (Liana Wertman)
Ep268: Abraham Did Kill Isaac (Tzemah Yoreh)
Ep269: Shabbetai Zvi: Permitting the Forbidden (Xava De Cordova, Michael Sokolovsky)
Ep270: We are Torah (Dan and Lex)
Ep271: Jewish Stories We Need (Aimee Lucido, Sofiya Pasternack)
Ep272: Why Jewish Fiction? (David Hirshberg)
Ep273: Trans & Jewish World-Building (Becky Silverstein, Laynie Soloman)
Ep274: Beyond Binaries, Beyond Orthodoxies (Jericho Vincent)
Ep275: Rhythms of Sacred Protest (Koach Baruch Frazier)
Ep276: Allyship Fundamentals (Mike Moskowitz)
Ep277: Trans Jewish Fiction (Leiah Moser)
Ep278: The Deli is My Synagogue (Rachel Gross)
Ep279: Voice for Justice (Ari Lev Fornari)
Ep280: Trans Diaspora, Baruch Hashem (Binya Koatz)
Ep281: Judaism Unbinaried (Dan and Lex)
Ep282: Praying with Fire (Rachel Sharona Lewis)
Ep283: Planet of the Jews (Philip Graubart)
Ep284: Jews in Pew’s…Studies (Tema Smith)
Ep285: Hindsight is (Pew) 2020 (Dan and Lex)
Ep286: People of More Books (Dan and Lex)
Ep287: The Shmita Project (Hannah Knibb Henza, Sarah Zell Young)
Ep288: More Magic, Please (Eli Kaplan-Wildmann)
Ep289: Jewish Anarchism (Cindy Milstein)
Ep290: Nobody Owns Land (David Seidenberg)
Ep291: Recipe for Disaster (Aimee Lucido)
Ep292: The UnYeshiva (Dan and Lex)
Ep293: Beyond the Count (Ilana Kaufman, Ari Y. Kelman)
Ep294: The Jewish-Asian Film Project (Jenni Rudolph, Gen Xia Ye Slosberg)
Ep295: Reading the Bible Differently (Omri Harel, Gil Kidron)
Ep296: Radicalism, Power, Violence, and Meir Kahane (Shaul Magid)
Ep297: The Power of Should (Ginna Green, Lynn Harris)
Ep298: Judaism, Inconveniently Itself (Ezra Furman)
Ep299: Becoming a Golem (Julie Weitz)
Ep300: You, Yes YOU, are a Jewish Leader (Dan and Lex)
Ep301: American Comics and Jewish Comedy (Jeremy Dauber)
Ep302: Doing Jewish (Zack Bodner)
Ep303: “Bris” means “Covenant,” not “Circumcision” (Lisa Braver Moss, Rebecca Wald, Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon)
Ep304: Circumcision and its Jewish Alternatives (Max Buckler, Charlene Thrope)
Ep305: The History of Jewish Circumcision (Shaye Cohen)
Ep306: Circumcision — Ignorance and Bris (Dan and Lex)
Ep307: Farming is Jewish (Shani Mink, SJ Seldin)
Ep308: We’ve Got Chutzpod! (Joshua Malina, Shira Stutman)
Ep309: Podcasts are Oral Torah (Leon Wiener Dow)
Ep310: Judaism Unbound — Director’s Cut (Dan and Lex)
Ep311: Shmita Hives (Asher Edes, Alexander Grace Vickery)
Ep312: Jewish Debt Relief (Lisa Grafstein)
Ep313: Learning, Unlearning, and…Onion Learning (Tova Birnbaum, Keshira haLev Fife)
Ep314: Leonard Cohen and Other Rabbis (Harry Freedman)
Ep315: Torah *Portions* — Eating Biblically (Elaine Goodfriend)
Ep316: What’s for Dinner this Shabbat? (Nir Levy, Annie Prusky)
Ep317: Food is Spiritual Practice (Sara Eifler)
Ep318: Kosher Prosciutto (Rob Nipe, Nora Rubel)
Ep319: Culinary Midrash (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus)
Ep320: Seders in the Streets (Madeline Canfield, Nate DeGroot)
Ep321: Jewish Eating ≠ Kosher Eating (Dan and Lex)
Ep322: Is Passover Really Two Holidays in One? (Dan and Lex)
Ep323: Jewish Fractals (Natan Margalit)
Ep324: Healing from Divorce, at Camp (Deborah Newbrun)
Ep325: Bob Dylan — Tangled Up in Judaism (Stephen Daniel Arnoff)
Ep326: Whose Canon is it Anyway? (Marques Hollie)
Ep327: The Myth of the 12 Tribes of Israel (Andrew Tobolowsky)
Ep328: Safety and Unsafety in Jewish Life (Liora Ostroff, Naomi Rose Weintraub)
Ep329: Workshopping Judaism (Kendell Pinkney)
Ep330: Russian Doll as a Jewish Text (Allison Silverman)
Ep331: Safety and Unsafety at Summer Camp (Rena Yehuda Newman, Julia Hegele)
Ep332: Is Judaism Mosaic or mosaic? (Dan and Lex)
Ep333: Cross-Pollination (Jenny Camhi, Jessica Kort)
Ep334: Taking Jewish Risks (Jim Farley, Charlene Seidle)
Ep335: Jewishly Rooted (Kesha Dorsey Spoor, Adam McCurdy, Sharone Oren)
Ep336: Everywhere is Jewish (Dan and Lex)
Ep337: Let’s End “Good Jew”/“Bad Jew” (Janet Krasner Aronson)
Ep338: More Chutzpah, Less Reverence (Shawn Harris)
Ep339: Ed-Jew-Cation — Learning, not Literacy (Diane Tickton Schuster)
Ep340: More Religious Heresy (Jay Michaelson)
Ep341: Where Will You Be in 7 Years? (Nigel Savage)
Ep342: Dayenu — That’s Enough, Climate Change! (Jennie Rosenn)
Ep343: God’s Bad Parenting Days (Alicia Jo Rabins)
Ep344: Rosh Hashanah…No Big Deal (Dan and Lex)
Ep345: When Jewish Meets Jewitch (Ketzirah Lesser)
Ep346: Yom Kippur — The Power of Regret (Daniel H. Pink)
Ep347: Relational Judaism (Ron Wolfson)
Ep348: Jewish Gathering (Rachel Gildiner)
Ep349: Digital Jewish Relationships (Dan and Lex)
Ep350: God as a Woman (Liana Finck)
Ep351: Transforming the World (Michael Lerner)
Ep352: Bad Jews — a History (Emily Tamkin)
Ep353: The Torah of Creativity (Adina Allen)
Ep354: Remaking Jewish Weddings (Jen Gubitz)
Ep355: What if Artists Ran the Show? (Penina Eilberg-Schwartz, Tom Haviv, Eden Pearlstein)
Ep356: Hanukkah — A “Bad Jew” Take (Dan and Lex)
Ep357: Torah Nuts (David Kasher)
Ep358: What Does “Spirituality” Mean? (Josh Feigelson)
Ep359: Spiritual Direction (Wendie Bernstein Lash)
Ep360: Your Body is a Sukkah (Yoshi Silverstein)
Ep361: Spiritual Abundance (Ariana Katz)
Ep362: Love at the Center (Shefa Gold)
Ep363: Dissolving Your Self (Dan and Lex)
Ep364: Fringe Spirituality (Jill Spector, Julie Weitz)
Ep365: Spiritual But Not Religious (Alec Gewirtz)
Ep366: Judaism Disrupted (Michael Strassfeld)
Ep367: Let My People Sing (Batya Levine, Anthony Russell, Margot Seigle)
Ep368: Progressive Hasidism (Jonah Gelfand, Daniel Kraft)
Ep369: Jewish Mysticism (Ariel Evan Mayse)
Ep370: Spirituality (Dan and Lex)
Ep371: Loving Jewish Agitation (Isaac Ostrow, Sophie Raskin)
Ep372: Elijah is Coming to the Passover Seder…But Who is He? (Daniel Matt)
Ep373: Passover is Not Over (Dan and Lex)
Ep374: Judaism In-Bound (Miriam Terlinchamp)
Ep375: Bat Mitzvah’s 100th Birthday (Carole Balin, Judith Rosenbaum)
Ep376: B Mitzvah, Reconstructed (Lauren Grabelle Herrmann)
Ep377: Shavuot in the Cloud (Dan and Lex)
Ep378: A Witch’s Bat Mitzvah (Laurel Snyder)
Ep379: Be Mitzvah, Your Way (Amy Atkins, Amanda Schwartz)
Ep380: Summer Camp B Mitzvah (Meg Adler)
Ep381: Rites (Rights?) of Passage (Amichai Lau-Lavie)
Ep382: What Should B Mitzvah Be? (Dan and Lex)
Ep383: Jews of Summer Camp (Sandra Fox)
Ep384: Before Bat Mitzvah — a Prequel (Melissa Klapper)
Ep385: Unconditional Love (David Raphael, Ilene Vogelstein)
Ep386: Converting to Judaism — Becoming Ger-ish (Katie Kaestner-Frenchman)
Ep387: Converting to Judaism — Beyond Blood Quantum (Juan Mejia)
Ep388: Converting to Judaism — But…You’re Already Jewish (David A.M. Wilensky)
Ep389: Jewish Sunday Schools, Then and Now (Laura Yares)
Ep390: Converting to Judaism — Thanks, Madonna! (Marques Hollie)
Ep391: Converting to Judaism — Jewish-Adjacent (Chris Bartlett)
Ep392: Becoming Jewish, Then Becoming a Rabbi (Lisa Rappaport)
Ep393: Israelism…What’s That? (Erin Axelman, Sam Eilertsen)
Ep394: Becoming Jewish — Integration (Tivona Reith, Holly Smith)
Ep395: Becoming a Jewish Kind of Person (Benay Lappe)
Ep396: Becoming Jewish, But Not a ‘Jew-By-Choice’ (Amelia Dornbush)
Ep397: Yom Kippur — Repentance and Repair (Danya Ruttenberg)
Ep398: Jewish Ritual Craft (Rachel Rose Reid)
Ep399: God? Gods? Goddesses? Godexes? (Tamar Kamionkowski)
Ep400: Becoming Jewish, Building Judaism Together (Dan and Lex)
Ep401: Expanding the Canon (Hayley Finn, Zachariah Ezer)
Ep402: In the Wilderness (Jory Hanselman Mayschak)
Ep403: Hey Alma (Molly Tolsky)
Ep404: Jewish Instagram (Samantha Frank, Rena Singer)
Ep405: Jewish Demons (Olivia Devorah Tucker)
Ep406: Talmud TikTok (Miriam Anzovin)
Ep407: Spiritual Hardware (Brett Lockspeiser)
Ep408: Jewish Artificial Intelligence (David Zvi Kalman)
Ep409: American Jewish History’s History (Hasia Diner)
Ep410: The Golem of Brooklyn (Adam Mansbach)
Ep411: Jewish Counter-History (David Biale)
Ep412: Digital Jewish Citizenship (Miriam, Dan, and Lex)
Ep413: Jews Across the Americas (Adriana Brodsky, Laura Leibman)
Ep414: The Torah of Dreams (Jill Hammer)
Ep415: Rebbe Nachman’s Lost Princess (Jessica Tamar Deutsch)
Ep416: Loaves of Torah (Vanessa Harper)
Ep417: Jewish Learning for Climate Crisis (Laura Duhan-Kaplan, Yosef Rosen)
Ep418: Prophetic Judaism (Nate DeGroot)
Ep419: Jewish Portal-Makers (Eleyna Fugman)
Ep420: Jewtina y Co (Analucía Lopezrevoredo)
Ep421: Radically Jewish Time (Ariana Katz, Jessica Rosenberg)
Ep422: Purim 2024 (Miriam, Dan, and Lex)
Ep423: Disability Torah (Julia Watts Belser)
Ep424: The Superpowers of Blind Rabbis (Lauren Tuchman)
Ep425: Passover 2024 (Miriam, Dan, and Lex)
Ep426: Sephardi and Mizrachi Identities — Beyond Ashkenormativity (Hadar Cohen)
Ep427: Rabbi on the Spectrum (Tzemah Yoreh)
Ep428: Reading with our Hands and Ears (Livia Thompson)
Ep429: The Jewish Calendar (Dalia Marx)
Ep430: Zines are Torah (Chava Shapiro)
Ep431: Disability Justice Torah Circle (Jess Belasco)
Ep432: Radical Spiritual Care (Elliot Kukla)
Ep433: Judaism is About Love (Shai Held)
Ep434: Shavuot 2024 (Miriam, Dan, and Lex)
Ep435: Tales of the Unbound I - Jewish Enough
Ep436: My Body’s Keeper (Sharoni Sibony)
Ep437: Amen (Sharon Brous)
Ep438: Certifiably Unbound (Rena Yehuda Newman)
Ep439: Interfaith Weddings (Ari Saks)
Ep440: Tales of the Unbound II - Yes Way
Ep441: Judaism is People (Dan and Lex)
Ep442: Pushcart Judaica (Ollie Schwartz)
Ep443: Maimonides — Judaism for the Perplexed (Lenn Goodman)
Ep444: Tales of the Unbound III - We go HAM
Ep445: Intermarried Rabbis, No Longer Banned (Miriam, Dan, and Lex)
Ep446: Father. Mother. God. (Play Steinberg, Sue Reinhold)
Ep447: Rosh Hashanah - Old Man in the Sky? (Zvika Krieger)
Ep448: Rosh Hashanah - The Unbinding of Isaac (Jericho Vincent)
Ep449: Tales of the Unbound IV - Do Good Time
Ep450: High Holidays…in a Kayak (Keshira haLev Fife)
Ep451: Jewish Weddings — Who is the Client? (Irwin Keller)
Ep452: Yom Kippur — Jewish Theories of Change (Rachel Cohen)
Ep453: Sukkot 2024 (Joseph Altshuler, Ethan Blake)
Ep454: Tales of the Unbound V - Open the Gates
Ep455: Jewish Weddings — Wedding Magic (Miriam, Dan, Lex)
Ep456: Lehrhaus — Where Jewish Learning Meets Tavern (Charlie Schwartz)
Ep457: Heshvan Unbound (Miriam, Lex, Rena Yehuda)
Ep458: Unorthodox Celebrations (Getzel Davis)
Ep459: The Art of Revolutionary Ritual (Rebecca Hornstein)
Ep460: Tales of the Unbound VI - You Do Not Have to Do This Alone
Ep461: Jewish Kink, Power, and Belonging (Leora Fridman)
Ep462: Hanukkah 2024-25 - Apocryfest (Judith)
Ep463: Queering Theology (Brian G. Murphy, Shannon TL Kearns)
Ep464: Judeo-Futurism (Becca Leviss)
Ep465: Jewish Ritual Lab (Vanessa Ochs)
Ep466: Israel-Palestine in American-Jewish Discourse (Dan and Lex)
Ep467: Israel and Palestine on Campus (Susannah Heschel)
Ep468: Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza (Peter Beinart)
Ep469: Israel/Palestine — Discourse Online (Mira Sucharov, Joshua Shanes)
Ep470: Tales of the Unbound VII - Happily Ever After?
Ep471: Israel-Palestine Echo Chambers (Jay Michaelson)
Ep472: “What You’re Against” and “What You’re For” (Danya Ruttenberg, Ilana Sumka)
Ep473: Lost Jewish Books (Eva Mroczek)
Holiday Bonus Episodes
Rosh Hashanah Unbound - Day 1 Torah Reading
Rosh Hashanah Unbound - Day 1 Haftarah Reading
Rosh Hashanah Unbound - Day 2 Torah Reading
Rosh Hashanah Unbound - Day 2 Haftarah Reading
Yom Kippur Unbound - Morning Torah Reading
Yom Kippur Unbound - Morning Haftarah Reading
Yom Kippur Unbound - Afternoon Torah Reading
Yom Kippur Unbound - Afternoon Haftarah Reading
Holidays Unbound Ep1: Introductions
Holidays Unbound Ep2: Passover I - What is Passover For?
Holidays Unbound Ep3: Passover II - Did the Exodus Really Happen?
Holidays Unbound Ep4: Passover III - The Passover Seder
Shavuot I: What the Heck is Shavuot?
Shavuot II: The Future of Shavuot
Shavuot III: What's the Deal with the Dairy?
Shavuot IV: The Book of Ruth
Yom Kippur Unbound
Yom Kippur...In a Beer Garden? - Aaron Potek
Hanukkah 2017
Hanukkah Night 1...Unbound
Hanukkah Night 2...Unbound
Hanukkah Night 3...Unbound
Hanukkah Night 4...Unbound
Hanukkah Night 5...Unbound
Hanukkah Night 6...Unbound
Hanukkah Night 7...Unbound
Hanukkah Night 8...Unbound
Elul Introduction: Unbounding Elul - Wendie Lash
Elul #1: Why’s This Month Different From All Other Months?
Elul #2: A Wrinkle in (Jewish) Time
Elul #3: What’s Love Got to Do With It? (The Song of Songs)
Elul #4: Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word
Elul #5: No Suitcase Required
Elul #6: Take a Breath
Elul #7: Autumn
Elul #8: Uncertainty
Elul #9: Elul Now
Elul #10: It’s ALL Good
Elul #11: A Time for “We”
Elul #12: Prepping for the Holi-Year
Elul #13: Gearing up for the Holi-Year
Elul #14: Where Have We Landed?
Other Bonus Episodes
History in the Bible, Featuring Dan Libenson - Secret Book of Kings
Upstart Unbound
TanakhCast on The Secret Book of Kings
Dan and Lex on RIJ (Really Interesting Jews) Podcast
Lex's ELI Talk (Migrating Judaism: The Internet Movement)
Dan and Lex on Bad Jew Weekly (S1Ep25)
Judaism Unbound Meets History in the Bible
Intermarriage: Changing the Rules (Amichai Lau-Lavie)
The Jewish Comics Anthology (Steven Bergson, Andy Stanleigh)
The Hebrew Hammer vs. Hitler (Adam Goldberg, Jonathan Kesselman)
The Trefa Banquet 2.0 (Alix Wall)
The Orchard (Dan Libenson)
History in the Bible, Featuring Dan Libenson - The Orchard
A State of Moral Emergency (Stosh Cotler)
Dan and Lex on #TrendingJewish
Antisemitism, Nativism, and Immigration (Eli Lederhendler)
Amer. Jewish History #1: Jews in the Confederacy (Adam Mendelsohn)
Amer. Jewish History #2: B’nai B’rith (Deborah Dash Moore)
Amer. Jewish History #3: Levy’s Jewish Rye (Beth Wenger)
Museums and the Creative Challenge
Communal Singing (David Fainsilber, Jessica Kate Meyer)
Humanistic Judaism at 50
Amer. Jewish History #4: Sheyndele di Chazante (Judah Cohen)
Amer. Jewish History #5: Irving Berlin (Judah Cohen)
Amer. Jewish History #6: Emma Goldman (Judith Rosenbaum)
Shmoozing About Yiddish (Dan on “The Shmooze” Podcast)
A Pluralism of Necessity (Rena Yehuda Newman)
Judaism Unbound LIVE: Digital Shabbos (Dan and Lex)
Judaism Unbound LIVE: Realism and Hope (Dan and Lex)
Judaism Unbound LIVE: A New Planet (Dan and Lex)
Judaism Unbound LIVE: Evolving Mammals (Dan and Lex)
Whose Judaism? (Becca Lubow)
Bovo Buch: A Yiddish Don Quixote (Aaron Henne, Erith Jaffe-Berg)
Bovo Buch: Chivalric Romance, Cultural Collision I - Story and Society
Bovo Buch: Chivalric Romance, Cultural Collision II - The Women and Their World
Bovo Buch: Chivalric Romance, Cultural Collision III - Popularity and Prejudice
The Jewish Psychedelic Summit (Natalie Ginsberg, Madison Margolin)
Confronting Carbon Pharaohs (Arthur Waskow)