Frequently Asked Questions
How long are UnYeshiva classes?
90 minutes, once a week. Sometimes, individual classes differ and that will be noted clearly on the registration page.
Will there be assignments?
UnYeshiva classes do include assignments (which may include studying Jewish texts, reading print media, and listening to or viewing audio-visual media), and many also assign other work, such as reflection papers, end-of-course projects, etc. If you are taking the class pass-fail or for a grade, these assignments are requirements; if you are taking the class ungraded, then you are strongly encouraged to keep up with the assignments, but realistically we believe that UnYeshiva students are adults who have a variety of goals in taking the classes and many different obligations, so nothing is a requirement. Class participation is strongly encouraged. No guilt – we trust you to do what you need to do.
Are there grades?
You can take UnYeshiva classes pass-fail or ungraded. Instructors will let students know the precise requirements (e.g., class participation, reflection papers, projects, other assessments) to pass. If you are taking the class ungraded, then you are encouraged to keep up with the work and participate fully in the class, but realistically everything is optional. If you are taking an UnYeshiva class and receiving credit at another institution, and you need to receive a letter grade, please contact the instructor, who will make arrangements with you to grade your work numerically.
Why would I want to take a class pass-fail (as opposed to ungraded)?
The UnYeshiva intends to launch various certificate programs in the years ahead. These certificates will require passing grades in some number of UnYeshiva classes. Ungraded classes will not count toward these certificate programs. Also, some other educational institutions do, and others will in the future, offer credit in their programs for UnYeshiva courses, but only if they are taken pass-fail or for a grade. Finally, many people struggle to keep up with classwork unless they have a feeling that there are “stakes”; if this is you, you might prefer to take the class pass-fail.
Yes. We are committed to making UnYeshiva classes accessible to all regardless of ability to pay. That said, we do have very limited resources and many expenses related to being able to offer UnYeshiva classes, including paying our instructors, so we ask you to make a good-faith assessment of what you are able to afford. Thanks to foundation support, we are able to offer “self-service” financial aid in the form of a sliding scale. The true cost of an UnYeshiva class is $499 per person, but you may pay any amount between $299 and $499 based on your own assessment of what you can afford. If you cannot afford to pay any amount in this sliding scale, please apply for additional aid using this Google Form; we will make every effort to offer you the aid that you need and may ask you to contribute your time and talent as an alternative to money.
Is there financial aid?
All UnYeshiva classes will be video recorded and made available through a private link that is accessible only to enrolled students. We do encourage you to come to class live and participate, but we understand that this is not always possible.