James Kahn: Judaism Unbound Episode 228 - The Cannabis Rabbi

James Kahn, an ordained rabbi who works as the National Outreach Director for Holistic Industries (one of the largest privately-held cannabis operators in the United States) joins Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg to talk about the relationship between cannabis and Judaism.

[1] Learn more about James Kahn by checking out this article in the Washington Jewish Week. Check out Holistic Industries at HolisticIndustries.com.

[2] Learn more about Richard Nixon’s remarks about Jews and marijuana here.

[3] For more on the Cannabis Seder that Kahn mentions, click here. For Cannabis Havdalah, check out this article in The Forward.

[4] Check out the Talmudic story about the idea that sex, too, is a kind of Torah, at this link.


Dan Libenson, Lex Rofeberg: Judaism Unbound Episode 229 - Primary Experience


Casper ter Kuile: Judaism Unbound Episode 227 - The Power of Ritual