Glowstick Menorah (Indoors)
We used an eight-test-tube rack to hold our glowsticks. We figured we didn't need a shamash (helper) because the reaction occurs by breaking the glowstick. We purchased all the supplies at Amazon:
1. Glowsticks (you'll need 36 glowsticks to have the right number for all eight nights, so you should buy two boxes of 25)
2. Test Tubes (strictly speaking, you don't need these, but it makes it feel more scientific and the glowsticks fit nicely in the test tubes)
3. Test Tube Rack for 8 Test Tubes
This menorah is especially good for college students who can't light candles in their dorm rooms, for people who are traveling, and for people who need to leave the house before candles burn all the way out. Or just for people who love glowsticks.