Yehuda Kurtzer, Claire Sufrin: Judaism Unbound Episode 242 - The New Jewish Canon

Yehuda Kurtzer and Claire Sufrin, co-authors of the book The New Jewish Canon: Ideas & Debates 1980-2015, join Dan and Lex for a conversation about what a contemporary Jewish canon even is, how they went about deciding the pieces that made it in, and how those questions connect to other Jewish textual canons, past, present, and (potentially) future.

[1] Purchase The New Jewish Canon: Ideas & Debates 1980-2015 at this link.

[2] One after the other, this episode contained a number of Jewish pop culture references. Here are links to each of them: Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah Song, A Rugrats Passover, Northern Exposure: Season 4 Episode 22 - A Kaddish for Uncle Manny

[3] Yehuda Kurtzer has appeared twice before on Judaism Unbound. Listen to his previous appearances in either of these episodes: Episode 41: History and Memory - Yehuda Kurtzer, Episode 121 - Homecoming and Arrival - Yehuda Kurtzer


Sheila Katz, Danya Ruttenberg: Judaism Unbound Episode 243: Organizing the Grassroots


Sarah Waxman: Judaism Unbound Episode 241 - At The Well