Jay Ruderman, Shira Ruderman: Judaism Unbound Episode 253 - Philanthropic Inclusion

Jay Ruderman and Shira Ruderman, the president and executive director, respectively, of the Ruderman Family Foundation, join Dan and Lex for a conversation about Jewish philanthropy, inclusion of people with disabilities, and the work they've done combining the two.

[1] Learn more about the Ruderman Family Foundation at RudermanFoundation.org. Learn more about our two guests by clicking here (Jay Ruderman) or here (Shira Ruderman).

[2] Learn more about the Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project.

[3] Lex mentions an episode of the show Queer Eye, and the issues of disability inclusion that it shone a light on in one of its episodes. For an article exploring this episode in more detail, click here.

[4] Check out Jay Ruderman’s podcast, entitled All Inclusive, by visiting Allinclusivepodcast.com.


Danielle Durchslag: Judaism Unbound Episode 254 - The Jewish 1%


Aaron Dorfman: Judaism Unbound Episode 252 - Foundations of Jewish Life