Leon Wiener Dow: Judaism Unbound Episode 309 - Podcasts are Oral Torah

Leon Wiener Dow is the host of Pod Drash, a Jewish podcast that talks about podcasts. In this episode of Judaism Unbound, he, Dan, and Lex, talk about Pod Drash. Ergo, this is a podcast talking about a podcast that talks about podcasts. If you like podcasts, therefore, you will like this episode -- three times over!

[1] Learn more about Pod Drash by heading to PodDrash.org, and subscribe to PodDrash in Apple PodcastsSpotify, or wherever else you find your podcasts. Learn more about Leon Wiener Dow by heading to LeonWD.com.

[2] Check out Wiener Dow’s previous appearance on Judaism Unbound by clicking here: Episode 164: Going, Jewishly - Leon Wiener Dow.

[3] Dan alludes to a passage in the book of Proverbs, about the wisdom that can be learned from ants, and Wiener Dow expands upon it by bringing up a passage from the Talmud. You can check out both of those texts at the following links: Proverbs 6, Eruvin 100b

[4] Learn more about Kolot, the organization that Leon Wiener Dow serves as Director of the Beit Midrash (house of study), via Kolot.net.


Judaism Unbound Podcast Episode 310: Judaism Unbound — Directors’ Cut (Dan and Lex)


Joshua Malina, Shira Stutman: Judaism Unbound Episode 308 - We’ve Got Chutzpod!