Madeline Canfield, Nate DeGroot: Judaism Unbound Episode 320 - Seders in the Streets

The Exodus Alliance is a group of multifaith organizations, faith leaders, and everyday people taking action for climate justice. On Passover, they plan to organize Passover street seders in front of Chase banks all across the country -- the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels -- to challenge the financial underpinnings of this "Carbon Pharaoh." Learn more by heading to

Nate DeGroot, national organizer for The Shalom Center, and Madeline Canfield, organizing coordinator for the Jewish Youth Climate Movement (JYCM), represent two of the projects that are collaborating on the Exodus Alliance, along with Dayenu. They join Dan and Lex for a conversation about "carbon pharaohs," non-violent direct action, and activism across generations.

[1] Stay tuned, early next week, for a bonus episode featuring Arthur Waskow, founder of Exodus Alliance! You can also check out his past appearance on Judaism Unbound here: Episode 166: The Freedom Seder - Arthur Waskow.

[2] Learn more about The Shalom Center by heading to, and learn more about The Jewish Youth Climate Movement by heading to!

[3] Canfield references an action, by JYCM, outside of the headquarters of Black Rock (the world’s biggest asset manager, and one of the leading investors in climate destruction). Learn more about that October 2021 action by clicking here.

[4] Degroot mentions a few sources written by Arthur Waskow. You can purchase Seasons of Our Joy by clicking here, and you can access Waskow’s new Earth & Justice Freedom-Seder (created in 2022) via this link.

[5] Learn more about Dayenu, the third core-partner in organizing the Exodus Alliance (whose name, we’d be remiss not to mention, relates to Passover) at For a full Action Toolkit, which you can utilize in planning your own Passover action, click here!

[6] Degroot reads an excerpt from the book of Malachi, which relates to activism across generations — especially activism to combat climate change. Take a look at Arthur Waskow’s translation of this text on page 5 of the Earth & Justice Freedom Seder.


Arthur Waskow: Judaism Unbound Bonus Episode - Confronting Carbon Pharaohs


Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus: Judaism Unbound Podcast Episode 319 - Culinary Midrash