Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: Old Man in the Sky? - Zvika Krieger

Zvika Krieger, spiritual leader at Chochmat HaLev in Berkeley, California, joins Dan and Lex for a conversation about the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Together they ask and explore a variety of questions: who is the God of the High Holidays? When Jews and their loved ones gather to pray, are they praying to that God? Are they (we) doing something else? Should we chuck most of the liturgy out and re-focus ourselves in a different way? Should we retain the traditional prayers and re-interpret them?

[1] Learn more about Zvika Krieger here, and check out Chochmat HaLev at

[2] For another recent podcast featuring Krieger as guest, see this June 2024 episode of Search Engine, entitled “What does it feel like to believe in God?”

[3] For some articles profiling Krieger, see this piece in eJewishPhilanthropy and/or this piece in The Forward.

[4] Krieger gives a shout-out to Toba Spitzer’s book God Is Here: Reimagining the Divine. Check it out via this link.

[5] For Krieger’s appearances at ShavuotLIVE observances from past years, see “Who cares who wrote the Bible?” (ShavuotLIVE 2024) and/or “Tobit or not Tobit: That is the Question” (ShavuotLIVE 2022).


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