Jericho Vincent: Judaism Unbound Episode 448 - The Unbinding of Isaac

Jericho Vincent, founder and rabbi of Temple of the Stranger — a mystical community based in Brooklyn, NY — is leading a ritual entitled The Unbinding of Isaac: a provocative, experimental, controversial, and immersive theatrical Rosh HaShanah experience. They join Dan and Lex for a conversation about this wild new ritual, and for a broader exploration of what it means to experiment with the treasures of Jewish tradition. This episode is the second in a Judaism Unbound mini-series, helping listeners prepare for the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

[1] Learn more about Judaism Unbound’s upcoming courses in the UnYeshiva by heading to

[2] Are you interested in headed to The Temple of the Stranger’s Unbinding of Isaac event to mark Rosh Hashanah 2024? Learn more and register here!

[3] Explore Jericho Vincent’s work at, and learn more about Temple of the Stranger via For Vincent’s previous appearance on Judaism Unbound, see Episode 274: Beyond Binaries, Beyond Orthodoxies - Jericho Vincent. Follow Jericho Vincent on instagram at @TheAlef.

[4] Learn more about Yom Kippur Katan, mentioned in this episode a couple times, here.

[5] Intrigued by the binding of Isaac story? Check out other Judaism Unbound resources exploring it in further detail. First, there’s The Akedah Project, which features a wide variety of video-explorations of the binding of Isaac. Second, there’s this past episode of Judaism Unbound (Episode 239: Isaac Unbound - Aaron Koller). And of course, check out the original text itself in Genesis 22.

[6] For more on the ritual Vincent mentions, involving red and white string for Yom Kippur, see this piece in, entitled “Crimson to White: Yom Kippur’s Miraculous Thread.”

[7] Dan mentions a past episode featuring Shefa Gold, which helped him gain a deep appreciation for the power of chant. Check it out via Episode 362: Love at the Center - Shefa Gold.

[8] For the episode Lex references, featuring Shira Stutman, see Episode 178: I-Wish-I-Had-This-Itis - Shira Stutman.


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Elul Unbound Bonus Episode #23 - Happy Tues-Year!