We always wish we could share the magic of the chat during ShavuotLIVE, so we compiled some highlights from our 2024 event below!

We had a great time at ShavuotLIVE! Did you as well? Please help us create Shavuot gatherings like this in the future.

“Time is neither linear nor continuous”

“24 hours, away from this world”

“I wish there WOULD be a shavuot sheini (second Shavuot)!!!”

“There is a Midrash which says that the children of Israel fell asleep as Moses was receiving the Torah...therefore, we 

now stay up all night and learn to make up for what our sleepy ancestors did.”

“Jubilees says that Shavuot has existed since before the world was created and angels have been celebrating it yearly.”

“ ‘giving of the Torah’ makes it very passive from the perspectives of the Israelites; ‘oaths’ makes it active, all of us 

participants in it”

“Shavuot could also be an invitation for us to recommit/re-covenant/re oath”

“lol did this guy seriously give himself the alias ‘David the Prince’? big flex.”

“Jewish pirates?”

“this event always makes my reading list SO MUCH LONGER.”

“please pick up a white courtesy phone, Nadav & Abihu”

“Thank you for bringing this horrific text to us.”

“the flexibility of Torah and its interpretation (which is something I love) can be used for things that are deeply immoral, even if we strive towards a Torah of liberation”

“The US has a serious issue with acknowledging our past and I think it's important that we talk about it, even if it's painful.”


“I've read about jewish paleontologists that tried to think about what prehistoric animals *could* be kosher, before humans even existed”

“check out the speaker’s Etsy store ‘Not My Brother’s Kippah’”

“I want to find Jewish Vikings.”

“Nerd Nite”

“Jews, the original theater gays”

“maybe the synagogue was the friends we made along the way”

“Philo looks anxious”

“sad trombone”

“those damn Jews & their beautiful drunkenness.”

“Me and the harlots hang out at the Jewish festivals”

“4th century CE’s hottest club is synagogue. it’s got it all…”

“clearly we need Shavuot to be a rock concert”

“I have a long standing desire to attend an EDM Simchat Torah”

“I made this Shavuot playlist that’s 73.5 hours long.”

“Jewish mutual aid!”

“Kind of funny that rabbis are advocating a non-rabbinic Judaism.”

“every scalpel sometimes slips”

“for too long religion and theism have been conflated.”

“very starhawk”

“I would’ve won the superlative Least Likely To Be Religious. And right now I’m one of 173 people currently at ShavuotLIVE.”

“I’ve experienced issues with religion too”

“I love the metaphor of fire as religion”

“I once saw God at a Yes concert.”

“I'm also a jubu”

“I go to a Unitarian Universalist congregation too! :)”

“my first real religious experience was at a Radiohead concert.”

“Judaism validates my sense of justice and gives me a set of guidelines on how to apply it.”

“Quantum physics has helped me understand G!d”

“I love the lack-of-clarity in the word "extra-Jewish". is it outside Judaism, or lots of Judaism?”

“HaShem is a wavefunction in superposition.”

“even the pig is holy”

“The word God is such a bad container for Hashem”

“You always have to smash your idols.”

“ShavuotLIVE is like my version of the Super Bowl every year”

“Each morning, I come alive because G*d has returned my breath”

“I endorse finding holiness davka (specifically) in the bathroom :-)”

“They only make a rule against erecting Ashera poles near the altar of Adonai because… people must’ve been doing it.”

“Seize the means of religion!”

“it gives new meaning to the phrase ‘holy excrement’”

“Judaism Unbound & Svara have completely changed my life.”

“7 is a real nice number i hear”

“So many of my fave Jewish teachers all under one roof.”

“Magick is anything you can get away with… oh wait that’s art….”

“I’m a big word nerd”

“hooray word nerds!”

“The more I study quantum physics the more it sounds like magiq”

“Magic is our inheritance. It was what Moses received from the angels when he went up mount Sinai.”


“I used to have a faulty laptop charger that would only charge when my head/body was at a certain angle relative to the screen....I was like omg is the magnetism in my body doing this?! It was so trippy”

“Grammar, glamour and grimoire (a spellbook) all share the same etymology”

“Elohim could be seen as G-d using they/them pronouns”

“Tefillin are amulets.”

“This is giving Lisa Frank”

“I have a tattoo of a hamsa”

“((( hugs )))”

“The hamsa and nazar emojis are so welcome, but where oh where is the heilige (holy) Torah emoji?”

“I have a garlic protection tattoo”

“I have an Ayin Hara tattoo”

“It's always Havdalah somewhere?”

“we're not going to debate MidJourney”

“looks very final fantasy”

“My garden is a geniza”

“jewish fairies, please”

“The Talmud says demons are active at 3 am.”


“tolerance is for lactose, not people.”

“what did ashkenazim do before lactaid?”

“Kavod Habriyot, the preciousness of each and every person”

“there is a nearly identical verse in the Quran”

“It’s wrenching what is being weaponized in the name of Judaism”

“[begins singing Debbie Friedman]”

“yup. aaaand now im misting all up.”

“moses, the most-unreliable narrator ever.”

“The most non-Jewish thing you can do is to accept everything in Jewish texts at face value.”

“Torah passages can support both going to war for revenge and valuing all life no matter what.”

“how do we *want* to be Jews and how do we want to use our text?”

“I had a hard time with Purim this year”

“WE are Torah too.”

“I learned from Binya Koatz recently : the core of the Torah is a successful slave revolt.”

“oh snap i love cheese latkes”

“Loving the Unyeshiva! Strongly recommend applying for the certificate program.”

“It’s 5 a.m. in Sweden”

“Arizona, it’s 8 pm rn!”

“Oklahoma City, USA, it’s 10 pm.”

“11 pm here in Virginia!”

“Hello from Sau Paolo, Brazil.”

“Boa Noite”

“In Edinburgh, Scotland. It’s getting light outside!”

“Benay, I love seeing your library.”


“It’s always lunchtime somewhere?”

“These stories are so powerful, not because they tell us what happened, but because they tell us what always happens."

“it's all Dan Libenson’s fault.”

“The down side of writing things down…. It ossifies”

“babies know all the torah until the moment they are born, and then, poof.”

“Never trust a King (or a President, etc.)”

“it's good to be the king”

“This is very mad libs”

“Isn’t Elohim plural?”

“El Shaddai, the big boob”

“I use that in my prayer for thanking God for making me nonbinary”

“are we saying Joshua is from the time period where Klingons don't have ridges?”

“The anxiety is about forgetting the fact that Torah is all about making shit up.”

“Letting Torah grow stagnant is the beginning of the end.”

“The revelation at mount sinai is a fountain of abundant potentiality”

“The rabbis aren’t afraid that books will be lost, but rather that they'll be all that remain.”

“don't let the truth get in the way of a good story”

“chad gadya, chad gadya.”

“Thanks for keeping Torah alive ❤️”

“it's nighttime, the Zoom robot should say ‘recording to a column of fire’ instead of the cloud”

“A friend asked if ‘Yid’ is ‘Jewish Id’ and wow, had to tell you all!”

“this makeup look is so rad”

“check out Loolwa Khazzom, an early queer Iraqi Jewish feminist mystic who has a punk rock band with Iraqi Jewish prayers!”

“I <3 Phil Ochs”

“love the use of Chagall paintings here”

“Mark Spitz <swoon>”


“we need to end the ‘good Jew/bad Jew’ dichotomy.”

“We are - and have always been - all of these things - bookish and afraid, hard-working and strong, kind and vengeful, good neighbors and stand-offish.”

“been really meditating on reclaiming my freak flag this pride”

“it's great that you're getting emotional about this. it's meritorious.”

“back from making coffee, it's going to be a long night”

“mazel said ‘doikayt’ but until I looked at the slide, I thought they were talking about a ‘joycott’ which seems like a hell of a concept”

“My gf who was raised catholic just let me know about the Saints who were really into the divinity of the mundane”

“what would luftmenschen do?”

“all of this has been deeply, deeply healing.”

“watch out for Mauschel the Musical!”

“I’m a birdwatcher and have synesthesia as well, hi!👋”

“Avoid the orgy zone 😂”

“my frustration with the text is that Ezekiel never tells us what drugs he was tripping in.”

“I have drunken a lot of coffee tonight”

“I’m drinking Monster….”

“hair of the Shavuot dog!”

“im enjoying hot tea and cannabis.”

“Icarus flying too close to the sun…”

“Spontaneous human combustion?”

“neurodivergent hyperverbal torah <3 “

“g-d ate✨”

“aaaaand now I've got the theme to Chariots of Fire in my head”

“You have to rub your feet against the carpet while you study”

“more Talmud art plz!”

“happy pride everybody!”

“Normal donkey chit chat 😂”

“whoa Passover as rpg!”

“Pizza is a must”

“Love my dreidel dice!”

“we could do Nimoy's imported priestly-benediction hand gesture, for some solid crossover energy”

“I want the option to make friends with the aliens”

“JURPS - Judaism Unbound Role Playing System (GURPS is Generic Universal Role Playing Systems - alternate to DnD for anyone who wants the full pun)”

“Unleash the beast”

“y'all are making me laugh too loud-everyone's asleep”

“Red Bull merely gives you Ezekiel-esque angel wings”

“Degenerates for the win!”

“The table is an Altar (now that we don't have a temple) and the game is the sacrifice”

“we offer our imaginal conflict as expiation for or prevention of actual conflict.”

“Vampire kiss?”

“disputes over the birth right shouldn’t get in the way of getting your life right.”

“wow, it's literally got sparkles!✨”

“Like two lil pea pods”

“this is enriching my soul, thank you.”

“When determining who is in vs. who is out, be generous.”

“arguments that invalidate people's lived experiences have less weight than those of generosity.”

“The stone may not be the best to cut but it is great for sharpening the knife.”

“ ‘"two households both alike in dignity’ - Hillel and Shammai”

“Torah is an All Terrain Vehicle”

“endurance (netzach) and acceptance (hod) bringing us to connection (yesod)”

“dun-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-dun-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh! Bat Kol!”


“this is making me crave jalepeno cornbread”

“I think I need to go and get ice cream now”

“it's more of a Jeremy Bearimy”

“Thank you for calling in Sigd”

“Like the fibonacci sequence”

“Hanukkah is light in the darkness and Shavuot is darkness in the light”

“If I ate enough cheese I could probably be cheese drunk”

“We stan Judith”

“You want a revolution, I want a revelation”

“The Darkness Manifesto is a great book about the importance of darkness in nature”

“I think the Rebbe went to sleep every night at 3 am or 4 am”

“no one knows which mountain is really Mount Sinai”

“The Mid-Bar: Where Gen Z have a meh time”

“I set my alarm for 3am (BST) stayed awake for one lesson then had weird combo dreams that were part ShavuotLIVE and part my weird psyche til 9am (this session).”

“cats are demons”

“y'all is the best you-plural.”

“I prefer Theydies. And gentle thems”

“where was waluigi???”

“I’m getting Jungian shadow vibes and then we go Nintendo and frankly I prefer it”

“Numbers is just the score from every Mario Kart race”

“Jack Black would make a great fiddler on the roof”

“Rashi script upsets me. So obviously I want to learn it.”

“I love how you used your Nordic heritage to enrich your Jewish experience”

“I'm a Scottish heritage Jew. A Hebrew Highlander one might say.”

“My furry cat demon just sat on my siddur”

“If you download a siddur on your Kindle, can you not put it on the floor anymore?”

“Everything is Torah. Including zoom backgrounds.”

“Big Stonewall Energy”

“I had a little brick, I made it out of clay, I threw it thru a window and now we all are gay.”

“Ruth is the Torah we made along the way.”

“8pm here in Melbourne Australia”

“Good morning from Dublin, Ireland.”

“My heart swells to be in this space with basically THE WORLD”

“The suffering is the soil/poop. But what’s the flower/compost?”

“The notion of healing when you're chronically ill and/or disabled is fraught.”

“a good reminder that there is something profound in the mundane.”

“I have Johnny Rose from Schitt’s Creek in mind.”

“Tea is so holy to me. It is such a ritual. (Yes I’m British)”

“So amazing how this chat and the zoom etc are synchronicity itself, at least for me.”

“this is a good place for a Bashir/Garak.”

“this is my favorite way and my favorite place and favorite time to study Torah. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE BEST!”

“My every cell is tingling. My heart is full.”

“I started learning during the pandemic too and have done ShavuotLIVE every year. This is my first year as a Jew. I’m stoked.”

“I’m in my pajamas”

“I recently became a night shift worker. This is the first Jewish event I’ve been able to attend since I made the switch to nights. I converted in January.”

“My Torah study will always be random and chaotic”

“<insert Interrupting Cow knock-knock joke here>”

“David compares himself to a worm in one of the psalms.”

“I don't brain like fish.”

“Fish don't brain like me.”

“Fun fact: pro wrestling was the first “televised” sporting event on tv in the 1950s”

“Postmodern wrestling! Derrida luchador!”

“that's why there's both Torah and Jewish Studies, right?”

“I love the kayfabe analogy. It does really resonate with me and the way I approach Judaism.”

“ the student asked the Rabbi "did these stories happen?"

the rabbi said "i don't know if they happened, but i know they happen"

same with wrestling ~”

“One of the Torahs always lies; the other always tells the truth...”

“I'm hungry!”

“Queer and Jewish is DIVINE in every sense of the word, sibling.”

“love the documentary hypothesis, it's like how Star Wars canon has come together”

“the multivocality of Torah makes it more real and holy to me”

“If everything is Torah, then Torah is Torah.”

“it's time for 🐭🐁”

“On a scale from Feivel to Vladek how are you all feeling today”

“I'm thinking fondue.”

“I’m imagining tiny tefillin made from shoelaces”

“Mice always have their door open for Elijah”

“Charcuterie board with the seven species”

“Wallace and Gromit as Jews by choice”

“sacrifice can often mean tikkun olam.”

“Sacrifice feels inherently power imbalanced to me”


“HaShem doesn’t need my stuff. It’s not ‘for’ Gd, it’s directed at Gd, it’s a postcard to Gd. Thinking of you! Thanks for 

the collective memories!”

“Contemporary crypto-judaism, perchance?”

“Bob Dylan just writing his own Torah in music”

“I love how we find meaning and wisdom in Bob Dylan’s lyrics like we drash Torah”

“we need to welcome new prophets”

“I would love to see Judith Butler's texts being used as haftorah”
“Thank you for your words. I was brought to tears multiple times.”

“I say what is truly divine is the interweaving of us all. And that it really is the breath that connects all life – the YHVH”



“online community totally counts”


“God is not my shepherd, but he might be my Australian shepherd.”



“I pray that all of those who have put roadblocks in the way of those seeking Judaism will repent and discover the joy of welcome and radical hospitality.”

“. I’m joining for this last hour. I heard about this through your Shavuot podcast as I was doing errands this morning/afternoon, so I’m one more iteration of (all Jews at all time and all time zones)”

“borderline god-tier pest to the rabbinate”

“Teaching is learning made visible.”

“ShavuotAsynchronous, thank you for providing temporal accessibility!”
“24 hours before my Beit Din, I felt that more or less, I was going to go from a 'customer' of something to being a part of something.”

“This is my second Shavuot, and 3AM weird nerd lectures have been peak Jewish to me.”

“Kiki-ing in the chat makes online Jewish gatherings SO much more interactive in a certain way than IRL gatherings allow”

“I love that the chat makes the structure so literally Talmudic - commentary happening in the margin as the central/verbal text emerges.”

“I've had two big naps with ShavuotLIVE radio playing in the background.”

“I have not stayed up for so many hours since college, maybe?”

“ShavuotLive, the only timeshare I will invest in!”

“there’s nothing new under the sun, but there is something new under the moon.”

“Too many Rabbis w/too many secret handshakes. They aren’t saving Judaism, they are killing it!”

“not goodbye - it's see you next year”

“Next year on the ShavuotLIVE mountain!!”

“Judaism is everyone's”

“To. Dah. Ra. Bah. Thank you so much. Yasher koakh to this community.”

“Who has a perfect family recipe for lukshon kugel?”

You made it to the end!

Thank you to everyone who contributed and participated in ShavuotLIVE this year, you make this event the magical experience that it is. We couldn’t do it without you.

See you next year!

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