Episode 4: Shiru L’Adonai - Sing Right [the F*ck] Now


Amid pain and fear, joy can sometimes feel like betrayal. Yet, the mystics point out that Miriam’s joyful song at the Red Sea is a major liberatory act. Our Survival Guide Miriam has some sharp and clear advice on the subject that we’ll talk about in this week’s episode, along with tambourines, Somatic Experiencing, the mystical power and gender politics of a circle, bell hooks, and a practice for bringing Miriam’s living Torah into our own lives.


  1. You can find the account of the people at the sea and the songs of Miriam and Moses in Exodus Chapter 14 and 15. Nachshon is named as the first person into the sea in the Talmud, Sotah 37a.

  2. Maor VaShemesh, Beshalach 20 offers an extensive teaching on the power of Miriam’s song versus Moses’s song and the magic of circle dancing. 

  3. Rabbi Beroka’s conversation with Elijah the Prophet can be found in Taanit 22a:7

  4. Find out more about Dr. Marcie Beigel here

  5. Look out for Becca Goldstein’s web presence coming soon! 

  6. Find an overview on Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing here

  7. The Zohar describes Yocheved and others singing Miriam’s exalted song in Sh'lach 25:199.

  8. Bell hooks speaks ofPatriarchy as the single most life-threatening social disease assaulting the male body and spirit in our nation in her essay “Understanding Patriarchy,” chapter two of The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love (Washington Square Press 2004) 

  9. The Alshekh’s teaching on Miriam’s tambourine can be found in the Alshekh on Torah, Exodus 15:20.

  10. You can see Rabbi Jericho’s current Shiru L’Adonay playlist here.

  11. Reb Nachman of Breslov on the roshei teivos of “Vataan Lahem Miriam Shiru L’Adonay, Miriam chants to the people, Sing right now to Goddess,” can be found in Likutei Moharan 27:6:10.


Episode 5: Be’er Miriam - The Well of Miriam


Episode 3: Tehora He – Inviolable Goodness