Bamidbar (The Book of Numbers) Unbound: Jews in the Wilder-ness

from $239.00

with Lex Rofeberg


Wednesdays - 8 Weeks
8:00 - 9:30 pm ET/5:00 - 6:30 pm PT
Starts March 19, 2025

So a talking donkey, a red cow, and a bunch of dead quails walk into a bar. But as they do so, a bunch of the bar’s customers get swallowed up by the earth. Also, one of the bartenders gets violent with two people who are showing excessive public affection for one another. Additionally, 12 regulars of this bar wander to a nearby neighborhood to determine whether the bar should move to a new location, and when 10 of them say no (because the landlords in that neighborhood are scary), the owner of the bar gets mad and sentences them and all of their friends to die homeless.

Sorry. I lied when I said this was a bar. It’s not. It's the book of Numbers. Which...actually is a bar, because in Hebrew it's called Bamid*bar*. This book is the very best, and very wildest, book in the Torah. Or at least Lex Rofeberg, teacher of this course, thinks so!

For a lot of us, our knowledge of the Torah is centered largely on the first couple books – Genesis and Exodus – and we’ve never really gotten a chance to dive fully into the juiciness contained in the other three. In this course, dive into an under-explored book that can change how you think about Torah, and Judaism more generally.

This class will be recorded and available to enrolled students to watch later.


This course is available at a sliding scale cost of $359 (the true cost), $299 or $239. If you can afford the full price, we hope you will choose that option, which allows us to continue to offer lower rates and scholarships to those who otherwise would not be able to access this learning because of financial barriers.

If you need financial aid beyond the sliding scale, please fill out this simple form, and we will get right back to you.

Click here to donate to JUs financial aid fund to support financial equity and access to education for all students.

Sliding Scale Prices:

with Lex Rofeberg


Wednesdays - 8 Weeks
8:00 - 9:30 pm ET/5:00 - 6:30 pm PT
Starts March 19, 2025

So a talking donkey, a red cow, and a bunch of dead quails walk into a bar. But as they do so, a bunch of the bar’s customers get swallowed up by the earth. Also, one of the bartenders gets violent with two people who are showing excessive public affection for one another. Additionally, 12 regulars of this bar wander to a nearby neighborhood to determine whether the bar should move to a new location, and when 10 of them say no (because the landlords in that neighborhood are scary), the owner of the bar gets mad and sentences them and all of their friends to die homeless.

Sorry. I lied when I said this was a bar. It’s not. It's the book of Numbers. Which...actually is a bar, because in Hebrew it's called Bamid*bar*. This book is the very best, and very wildest, book in the Torah. Or at least Lex Rofeberg, teacher of this course, thinks so!

For a lot of us, our knowledge of the Torah is centered largely on the first couple books – Genesis and Exodus – and we’ve never really gotten a chance to dive fully into the juiciness contained in the other three. In this course, dive into an under-explored book that can change how you think about Torah, and Judaism more generally.

This class will be recorded and available to enrolled students to watch later.


This course is available at a sliding scale cost of $359 (the true cost), $299 or $239. If you can afford the full price, we hope you will choose that option, which allows us to continue to offer lower rates and scholarships to those who otherwise would not be able to access this learning because of financial barriers.

If you need financial aid beyond the sliding scale, please fill out this simple form, and we will get right back to you.

Click here to donate to JUs financial aid fund to support financial equity and access to education for all students.

with Lex Rofeberg


Wednesdays - 8 Weeks
8:00 - 9:30 pm ET/5:00 - 6:30 pm PT
Starts March 19, 2025

So a talking donkey, a red cow, and a bunch of dead quails walk into a bar. But as they do so, a bunch of the bar’s customers get swallowed up by the earth. Also, one of the bartenders gets violent with two people who are showing excessive public affection for one another. Additionally, 12 regulars of this bar wander to a nearby neighborhood to determine whether the bar should move to a new location, and when 10 of them say no (because the landlords in that neighborhood are scary), the owner of the bar gets mad and sentences them and all of their friends to die homeless.

Sorry. I lied when I said this was a bar. It’s not. It's the book of Numbers. Which...actually is a bar, because in Hebrew it's called Bamid*bar*. This book is the very best, and very wildest, book in the Torah. Or at least Lex Rofeberg, teacher of this course, thinks so!

For a lot of us, our knowledge of the Torah is centered largely on the first couple books – Genesis and Exodus – and we’ve never really gotten a chance to dive fully into the juiciness contained in the other three. In this course, dive into an under-explored book that can change how you think about Torah, and Judaism more generally.

This class will be recorded and available to enrolled students to watch later.


This course is available at a sliding scale cost of $359 (the true cost), $299 or $239. If you can afford the full price, we hope you will choose that option, which allows us to continue to offer lower rates and scholarships to those who otherwise would not be able to access this learning because of financial barriers.

If you need financial aid beyond the sliding scale, please fill out this simple form, and we will get right back to you.

Click here to donate to JUs financial aid fund to support financial equity and access to education for all students.


Meet Lex

Lex (he/him), in his role as Senior Jewish Educator of Judaism Unbound, co-hosts and produces its weekly podcast, facilitates many of its live digital events, and oversees the UnYeshiva: a digital center for Jewish learning and unlearning. He graduated from Brown University with a degree in Judaic Studies, and was ordained as a rabbi in 2021 by ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. You didn't ask, but he would like you to know that his rabbinic ordination speech looked at OutKast's song "Hey Ya" through the lens of Jewish numerology. A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Lex lived for two years in Jackson, Mississippi - working for the Institute of Southern Jewish Life - and he currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island, with his wife Valerie. He serves on advisory boards, or boards of directors for The Shalom Center, Tikkun Olam Productions, Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations, and Mitzvah Matzos.

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